Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Curtain Wall
The NVQ Level 2 Diploma in Curtain Wall is appropriate for individuals aged 16 and over working in the construction sector who specialise in the installation of Curtain Wall and Aluminium Architectural Glazing Systems and are looking to become eligible for the Blue CSCS Card.
The aim of this qualification is to recognise the knowledge, skills and competence of individuals who specialise in this area and upon completion of the qualification, you will be awarded the NVQ Level 2 Certificate in Curtain Wall
CSCS Cards
Candidates can undertake the CSCS test and obtain the red (Provisional) CSCS card on signing up for this qualification. The red CSCS card can usually be obtained within 7 to 14 days and can be used to access the construction sites for a period of 12 months.
In order for candidates to obtain their CSCS Card for Curtain Wall Installation they must also fulfil the requirements for technical knowledge as set out by the Council for Aluminium in Building and are generally required to complete CAB 1 day Curtain Wall essential knowledge training course. For more information regarding the CAB Course and CSCS requirements, please see the information below.

Need a Curtain Wall NVQ?
Sign up with Train 4 Growth for your Curtain Wall NVQ and get the CSCS Test and temporary CSCS Card included within your qualification package.
Need a Curtain Walling Competency Update Qualification?
Follow this link and enquire through the Council for Aluminium in Building Website.
Need to book your CAB 1 Day Curtain Wall Essential Knowledge Course?
The CAB course is a specialist knowledge course in the principles of curtain walling installation and is offered on the basis of £249 + VAT for each candidate for the 1-day course (£199 + VAT for CAB Members)
To apply for the ‘1-day CAB Curtain Wall Essential Knowledge course follow this link to the Council for Aluminium in Building Website.