Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Awareness

IIRSM & IOSH Approved

Our Display Screen Equipment Awareness course is designed for individuals who use display screen equipment (DSE) regularly and for those responsible for conducting DSE assessments in the workplace. A ‘user’ is defined as anyone who operates display screen equipment for a significant portion of their working day. Typically, this includes anyone using DSE continuously for an hour or more each day.

What is Display Screen Equipment?

While computer monitors are the most common example, DSE includes a wide range of devices. This can encompass laptops, tablets, televisions, smartphones, CNC control interfaces, portable diagnostic screens, and equipment with cathode ray tubes (CRTs).

Under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations, both employers and DSE users have specific responsibilities to ensure safe usage. These regulations are in place to reduce the risk of health issues caused by improper DSE setup, such as musculoskeletal problems, eye strain, and fatigue.

This course meets statutory training requirements and focuses on how to properly set up and use display screen equipment to minimise health risks, ensuring a safer and more productive working environment.

Learning Objectives

By completing this course, you will:

  • Be able to identify various types of Display Screen Equipment.
  • Understand the definition of a DSE ‘user’ and what it entails.
  • Gain an overview of DSE-related legislation and know where to find further guidance.
  • Recognise the potential physical impacts of DSE on the body.
  • Learn about the risks associated with DSE use and practical methods to control or reduce these risks.

Recommended System Requirements

  • Browser: Up to date web browser
  • Video: Up to date video drivers
  • Memory: 1Gb+ RAM

Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)
Duration: 50 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).
Cost: £35+VAT

Display Screen Equipment Online Booking

Course Module number Module name Pass % required
DSE Awareness 1 Introduction 70
DSE Awareness 2 Legislation 70
DSE Awareness 3 Protecting Your Body 70
DSE Awareness 4 Adjusting Your Chair 70
DSE Awareness 5 Adjusting Your Screen 70
DSE Awareness 6 Work Arrangements 70
DSE Awareness 7 Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation 70
DSE Awareness 8 Adjusting Your Work Environment 70
DSE Awareness 9 Final Assessment 100